Polymetallic Holding Seligdar (MOEX:SELG, hereafter Seligdar) conducted a first of this years’session of its Technical Council. The event gathered heads of all key structural divisions of Seligdar PJSC and senior management headed by President Konstantin Beirit and CEO Sergey Tatarinov.
Special attention was devoted to issues of the development of the mineral reserve base and enhancement of the production complexes efficiency.
Questions of the Kyuchus deposit development became another point of the agenda of the Council. During the session, the following issues were announced: operational plan for 2024; preliminary assessment of engineering solutions and intermediate results of research and development of ore processing technologies. In March, preparatory works were started to organise a shift-workers camp at the deposit and to deliver there Seligdar’s special vehicles.
Konstantin Beirit, President of Seligdar PJSC told after the session:
‘A first in this year session of the Technical Council has been held. Seligdar was on schedule in the first quarter. A lot of investment decisions and technical solutions to be implemented in the future are under consideration; so, we work and move forward’.