Polymetallic Holding Seligdar (hereafter Seligdar) entered into agreement on development of engineering education and industry specialists in Yakutia with Trust Fund of Future Generations in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University.
The document was signed by Sergey Tatarinov, CEO of Seligdar, Vladimir Egorov, General Director of Trust Fund of Future Generations in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), and Yuriy Danilov, Vice Rector for Sustainable Development of Arctic Territories at M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University. The main objective of cooperation is to support the Talents to Regions project that is implemented by Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT). M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University is its university-partner in Yakutia.
Seligdar will provide financial aid to support the educational programme and to set up special enhanced scholarships for students. The MIPT Talent to Regions programme helps to create in a number of regions education - industry formations, participants of whose are leading universities, schools and technological companies. The project allows launching educational programmes based on the MIPT practices that are built on individual features of a university and demands of a particular Russian region in education and specialists.
Sergey Tatarinov, CEO of Seligdar PJSC, told:
‘Seligdar closely cooperates with industry-oriented higher educational institutions of the country. Through support of such projects, we promote forming necessary specialist pool. We face ambitious challenges in field of further development of Seligdar that demand new qualified specialists.’
The Talents to Regions programme gives students an opportunity to study joint educational programme of a regional university and MIPT, what contributes to retaining talented and gifted students in the region.
Trust Fund of Future Generations in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) consistently works to develop engineering sciences in education. Supported by the Fund and MIPT a school chain named after the First President of Yakutia opened specialised classed methodically supervised by MIPT. The Fund is also a co-founder of Association of schools cluster affiliated to MIPT.
Vladimir Egorov, General Director of Trust Fund of Future Generations in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), noted:
‘Cooperation with Seligdar and MIPT opens new opportunities for development of engineering education and education of professionals in Yakutia. We are sure that our joint efforts will lead to creation of a quality environment and support of young talents in our region.’
Yuriy Danilov, Vice Rector for Sustainable Development of Arctic Territories at M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, stated:
‘The signed agreement will allow NEFU and school of physics and engineering, in particular, creating necessary conditions to enrol talented prospective students to bachelor’s degree programme Physics (Fundamental Physics) that is taught in the department of theoretical physics. In terms of Talents to Regions project MIPT is ready to share its experience in teaching of fundamental mathematical and physical sciences not only with our students but also with the teaching staff. In his Address to Federal Assembly, President of Russia Vladimir Putin paid special attention to engagement of partners from the industry in continuous education. We are glad that such a strong company as Seligdar becomes our partner in field of engineering education for the country. Participation in this project will provide an opportunity to attract goal-oriented youngsters to SPE NEFU and to realise their potential without leaving the native region.’