• GOLD: $ 2318.81 -0.15%
  • SELG: 74.02 ₽ -0.04%
  • ROLO: 1.24 ₽ 0%


Information on shares

Structure of share capital of Seligdar PJSC (according to the register data as of December 31, 2023)

  • Total number of accounts of the Company’s shareholders, including disclosed clients of nominee holders: 129,127
  • Number of outstanding voting shares by share category/type: 1,030,000,000 ordinary shares
  • Number of shares held by the Company: 0
  • Number of shares held by the legal entities under the Company’s control: 0.

Shareholders owning five or more percent of the share capital or ordinary shares of the Company
  • Maximus LLC. (50.62%)
  • K. Beirit (7.13%)
  • S. Tatarinov (5.65%)
  • Russian Funds JSC (5.65%)
  • Shareholders owing less than 5% (30.95%)

The Company has no information on the share ownership exceeding 5 percent in addition to those already disclosed by the Company.

There is no information on the possibility of acquisition or on the acquisition by certain shareholders of a degree of control disproportionate to their participation in the authorized share capital of the Company, including on the basis of shareholder agreements.

Information on share issue

Ordinary shares Registration number Registration date Quantity Par value,
Status. Notes
Main issue 1-01-32694-F May 23, 2007 1,030,000,000 1 Placed (the amount includes shares of additional issues)
Additional issue 1-01-32694-F-006D April 25, 2022 37,645,270 1 Placed (shares are included in the main issue). The 006D unique registration code was cancelled on Decenber 29, 2022.
Additional issue 1-01-32694-F November 29, 2021 150,000,000 1 Placed (shares are included in the main issue). The unique registration code was not assigned. Placement method: conversion of all preferred shares into ordinary shares.
Additional issue 1-01-32694-F-004D February 12, 2015 105,000,000 1 Placed (shares are included in the main issue). The 004D unique registration code was cancelled on May 10, 2018.
Additional issue 1-01-32694-F-003D December 28, 2011 116,854,730 1 Placed (shares are included in the main issue). The 003D unique registration code was cancelled on October 01, 2012.
Additional issue 1-01-32694-F-002D June 28, 2011 120,000,000 1 Placed (shares are included in the main issue). The 002D unique registration code was cancelled on January 31, 2012.
Additional issue 1-01-32694-F-001D December 13, 2007 450,000,000 1 Placed (shares are included in the main issue). The 001D unique registration code was cancelled on December 17, 2009.

Preferred shares

Preferred shares Registration number Registration date Quantity Par value,
Main issue 2-01-32694-F December 28, 2011 150,000,000 1 Cancelled (preferred shares were cancelled on December, 23, 2021 due to the conversion into ordinary shares of additional issue placed through the conversion of preferred shares into ordinary shares).

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