• GOLD: $ 2864.97 +0.82%
  • SELG: 48.46 ₽ +7.64%
  • ROLO: 0.66 ₽ +3.46%

Stakeholder survey

Stakeholder survey on impact of the Seligdar Holding Group’s activities

Activity of any company may cause or contribute to an impact in different spheres; it may influence economy, environment, employees and society as a whole. Seligdar is conducting the survey to determine the stakeholders’ opinion on significance of different directions and dimensions of its activities from the point of impacts evaluation. The list includes issues related to the corporate governance, social and environmental responsibility. The survey results will be considered among other during the annual report preparation to enable fuller and better meeting of the stakeholders’ demands while reporting on the Company’s activities.

We kindly ask you to take part in the survey and express your opinion.

What group of stakeholders represents best your relationship to Seligdar

Please assign a level of significance to the following issues as you understand it. You may suggest new topics/issues that you consider to be important and leave your comments

Using a scale of 1 (the least significant in your opinion issue) to 10 (the most significant issue) rate the following issues.

Social field
  1. Employees: new jobs, equal opportunities and non-discrimination
  1. Employee skills and competencies: training, youth work, cooperation with educational institutions
  1. Health and safety, support of healthy lifestyle: better health and safety, healthy lifestyle programmes
  1. Social support programmes for employees and their families
  1. Contribution to the development of the regions of operations: construction and repair of roads, educational and social facilities, charity and sponsorship, support of traditional lifestyle of small-numbered peoples of the North
Environment and climate
  1. Climate change: GHG reduction, energy efficiency, use of ‘green’ energy
  1. Environment: tailings management, air emissions reduction, water use reduction and closed-loop water systems, responsible cyanide use, waste management, land rehabilitation
  1. Eco projects: biodiversity support, reforestation and other projects
Corporate governance
  1. Information transparency: sufficient information on corporate governance and on Holding Group’s operations including financial and non-financial reporting, dividend payment
  1. Compliance risks: countering corruption and sanctions impact
  1. Suggest your issue / add your comment

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